Succession Planning

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
Albert Einstein

As the Founder, President and/or CEO, you will likely face the topic of succession planning at some point in your career. Maybe you looked at it several times before or maybe it’s been nagging in the back of your mind. Now is the time. Getting a succession plan down in writing is good for you, your people and your focus.

At Martini Advisory, we work with you through a process to help you determine your goals, timing, and various scenarios to help you attain your optimal exit. The best answer evolves through careful analysis and critical thinking. You are truly the driver of your destiny and taking the time to assess your path will provide the clarity needed for both business and personal decisions.

Founder/President/CEO Succession Planning Process:

  1. Imagine the Future
  2. Assess the Company Value
  3. Explore Succession or Exit Options
  4. Determine Timeline
  5. Engage Professionals
  6. Initiate the Path