Management Effectiveness

Management is a responsibility and a privilege. Your role as a manager impacts the lives, livelihood and overall work satisfaction of your direct reports. It is a daunting and honorable commitment. At Martini Advisory we work with management team and individual managers to help them be more effective at driving the goals of the company while simultaneously meeting the needs of their people.

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.
Winston Churchill

Ultimately the success of every company comes down to the people and the manager’s ability to create a high functioning team. For the manager this requires a high degree of self-awareness, an ability to meet the needs of others and to drive tangible business results for the organization. Management requires function area expertise and strong people skills. These are skills which can be learned.

Management Team Initiatives:

  • Strategic Planning Retreats. We provide facilitation for half-day, full-day and two-day Strategic Planning Retreats following a proven methodology. Outcomes include identification of Strategic Initiatives for upcoming year and Departmental Action Plans to execute on the plan.
  • Management Team Meetings. We provide facilitation/advisory services for Management Teams to assist with goal identification, communication, team effectiveness to increase the team’s ability to identify and execute on goals.
  • Management Coaching. We work with key managers and provide Executive Coaching as needed.