Executive Coaching

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

Our Philosophy:

Executive Coaching provides clients with an external unbiased coach to help you reach your goals more rapidly.    Our experienced coaches follow the Martini Advisory methodology based in listening critically, synthesizing information and working with you to leverage your strengths and improve your areas of growth.   Our coaches bring years of practical CEO, President, leadership and senior management experience to the table, providing you with a coach who understands your position and can help you move forward.   We tailor our solutions to fit the specific objectives of you and your people.

Our Programs:

Fast-Track 90-Day Program:  This 90-day program is designed to provide clear focus and concrete results in a short timeframe.   The program includes a total of 10 sessions over three months, including:

  • Assessment: We utilize a behavioral assessment instrument to measure motivation and drive. This data provides insight into individual motivators, self-awareness and increases the ability to leverage the information over the course of the coaching program.
  • In-Take Meeting: The initial 90-minute meeting includes assessment results review, setting goals for the coaching project, and gathering historical and current status data.
  • Coaching Sessions: This program entails three coaching sessions per month, each session includes:
    • Review of Activity
    • Focus Area Discussion
    • Strategies for Overcoming Barriers
    • Action Plan
  • Final Coaching Session: The final coaching session of the program is focused on setting an Action Plan for consistent and sustainable results.

6-Month and 12-Month Coaching Programs:   After the 90-day Fast Track program many clients prefer the on-going support of a monthly coaching session to keep the momentum and stay on track with their goals.    These sessions use the same session flow in each coaching session with special emphasis on the focus area or current topic needed by the client:

  • Review of Activity
  • Focus Area or Topic Area for Discussion
  • Strategies for Overcoming Barriers
  • Action Plan